Walk-in showers for the elderly people must be designed considering their basic needs and convenience. So, here are some tips to help you design a walk-in shower for the senior members in your house.
Walk-in showers are mostly preferred for the ease of access they provide. This makes it a perfect choice for homes where a physically challenged or elderly person stays. Here’s more about walk-in showers and design ideas for the same.
The Advantages
Walk-in showers, as the name suggests, are simply the bathing areas where you can ‘walk-in’. No need to step up or step in. The flooring of the shower can be made of tiles, or a separate shower pan can be installed. A slight slope towards the shower drain is commonly made to avoid water coming out of the shower area. Features like, a hand shower, easily accessible shelves, shower fixtures, and knobs, make a perfect shower area for the elderly. You can further customize and add features for more convenience.
The Designs
While you design a walk-in shower for an older person, make sure that you always remember the ‘convenience’ factor. Right from the entrance to the interiors, all things must be easily accessible for the person using it. For instance, a shower knob far away might make opening and closing it a tough task for the senior. Similarly, shelves fixed at a height, shelves with difficult-to-open toiletries placed away from their reach need to be completely avoided. Custom-made showers provide you a lot of scope to have the best space created according to individual needs.
When it comes to the entrance of the shower, try to opt for a door-less entrance. You can instead, consider having designer shower curtains. However, if you are planning to have doors, make sure they are wide enough for easy entry. Sliding glass doors can be a good option to check out in this regard. Barrier free entrance is the primary characteristic of walk-in showers for older people. Go for handles and rods inside the shower, for proper support. For tiled bathroom flooring, make sure that the tiles are completely slip resistant.
Next, make sure that the shower fixtures and knobs are installed at a lower height; low enough to be easily accessible for the person sitting on a wheelchair. Another important thing is to have a walk-in shower with a seat of average height. Apart from this, shelves for placing the shower essentials like, shower gel, shampoos, soaps, etc., must be fixed at a lower height. You can also fix up the designer soap dispensers to store shampoos, soaps, and gels. Have open shelves a little away from the shower, but at a lower height to place towels and bathrobes. An emergency alarm is a must-have feature for these showers.
With the aforementioned features, you can have a great walk-in shower for the seniors. Opting for the right decor in neutral colors is essential to let the person using the shower have a wonderful showering experience. Combine all those elements that will add up to the enjoyment of having a relaxing shower. Get started!