Consider having a look at the reviews once, before you choose a gas fireplace insert for your home. There are some varieties in the like the vent-less, direct vent, etc. Read on to know more…
Fireplace is supposed to bring warmth and coziness to the room in the winters but before that you need to invest a lot of time and energy behind deciding what kind you wish to have, what suits your home decor, what is your budget, what kind of maintenance it demands and last, but not the least, the actual selecting process. So, while considering the same, have you come across fireplace inserts? These are actually nothing but things to be inserted, as the name suggests, in the fireplace instead of the traditional wood, for helping heat generation.
What many people might not know is the different advantages that gas fireplace inserts have. One biggest benefit is that you do not need to worry about gathering or buying wood for the fireplace. Secondly, it is a lot cheaper, so cheap that in fact you can have your entire fireplace renovated with this fireplace inserts idea altogether.
Things that follow the selection of a gas fireplace insert is the absence of soot and thus the associated cleaning. It is also reported to be quite energy-efficient. The ratio of heat generation as compared to the amount that goes in terms of the inserts is quite high. Very less goes as waste, almost reported to be just a mere 10%.
There are a variety of gas fireplace inserts, namely, direct vent, vent-less, etc. Gauging on what do you want in your home and keeping an eye on the budget, you can select the appropriate one for yourself. With this, let us have a look at the reviews by the consumer reports.
Monessen IDV380 Direct Vent Gas Fireplace Insert
The product features include, natural flame burner with 7-peice fiber ceramic log set, weathered firebrick, 80% efficiency, thermostat blower, flex line with on/off shut-off valve, large viewing area of IDV380 – 588 sq. inches. The gas fireplace inserts price for this Monessan product is around $2000.
Lennox EBVI30 Gas Insert
This product is endowed with lot of things, like, a larger viewing area, i.e. the face width. 500-1500 sq. ft is the heating capacity. It has a flip down panel which allows easy operation and along with this, it has a facility that allows the insert to work in case of electricity failure. It is the millivolt pilot. You can also opt for the optional remote controls. It costs around $1280. Find information on gas fireplace installation.
Napoleon GDI30G Gas Insert
Priced at $1900, this gas fireplace insert has Crystaline (patented technology) ember bed that accents the ember bed from below. Exclusive heat circulating blower with variable speed control and thermodisc on/off switch are also something that makes this a good and convenient gas fireplace. It has 24,500 BTU with 50% heat adjustment for maximum comfort and efficiency of 85%. Fuel saving electronic ignition with battery back-up and porcelain reflective radiant panels are also among some of its features.
Vermont Castings LHER30 Gas Insert
Some of the features of this gas insert are BTU’s 30,000 LP & NG, has an efficiency rate of 73% LP / 72% NG, has the trademarked Insta-Flame ceramic burner system, 5 pc ceramic fiber split oak log set, ceramic glass front. It is priced over $2400. Some of the models come with the millivolt valve which makes it easy to operate via on/off switch and additionally, it has a huge flame viewing area.
Copperfield 57270 GDIZC-N Direc Vent Natural Gas Fireplace Insert
Priced at $1900, this product is among the best. The company, Copperfield, is trusted and has been in the market since twenty-five years now. This particular product has a minimum fireplace opening of 25″ x 14.5″ x 11″. More specifications of the product is not available as of now. But I can assure products from this brand have given positive consumer reports so far.
Lennox Hearth, Vermont Castings, Napoleon, Heatilator, Monessen, among others, are all good companies that make efficient fireplace inserts. You do not have to do much research with gas fireplace inserts reviews if you are choosing one from any of these manufacturer’s products.