The use of veneer provides the furniture with a rich and aesthetic look, and is an inexpensive alternative to hardwood. Given here is information about oak veneer and its different patterns.
Veneer is a material created out of thin slices of wood (around 3 mm). It is glued on to different furniture items and even floor surfaces. This material is available in a variety of finishes and grains. It is not always affordable to use the expensive hardwood for all furniture items.
Veneer tapes and plywood sheets come in handy at such times. They can also be used to create a specific pattern as suggested by a client.
Veneer Plywood
The cutting methods used for creating veneer plywood help in distinguishing the different patterns in the material. Using this plywood is a good alternative to the costly hardwood. Comparing the hardwood and plywood economically reveals that 40 veneer sheets can be created out of a 2-inch hardwood slice.
Let us have a look at the patterns which can be created.
- Cathedral Pattern: In this pattern of plywood, ‘V’-shaped grains can be seen. To obtain this, plain slices have to be cut out of the wood.
- Straight Grain Pattern: This pattern is obtained by cutting logs at a 15 degree angle to that of the radius; this type of cutting results into few flakes.
The quarter slice cut also produces a straight grain pattern. The flakes produced by this type of cutting are, however, greater in quantity.
Cores Used for Manufacture
Medium-density Fibreboard (MDF) and particleboard are the cores used for oak veneer plywood. MDF is different than composite core. In the former, the core is placed between two layers of veneer. In composite core, a hardwood is present at the center; the hardwood is sandwiched between layers of particleboard or MDF, which is placed between sheets of veneer.
These sheets are available in the standard size of 4 x 8 feet. However, panels with 12-feet length are also available. Thickness varies with the purpose for which they are used; the range of thickness is between 1⁄8 and 3⁄4 inch.
The sheets used for furniture items like bookcases, wall panels, and cabinet door panels are thinner than that of heavy items of furniture. The items which require strength should be covered in thick panels.
It is important to handle the sheets carefully. This is because their thickness is about 3.17 mm. The panels of veneer come in rolls. These rolls need to be stored in a vertical manner. Unrolling them at least one day in advance should provide enough time for them to straighten up and allow easy application.
While making wooden furniture with oak veneer, the aforementioned information about the patterns, materials, and dimensions will come in handy. Using this type of plywood will give a rich look to the furniture and enhance the overall appearance.