The themes for modern baby rooms are fast changing and becoming more and more innovative and practical. Here, we'll give you some ideas for them.
The birth of a baby brings insurmountable joy to its parents. The preparation to welcome the new family member begins long before the baby is even born. One of the most important things that parents begin to think about is the decorating of the baby’s room.
The trend of baby room decorating has been changing in the recent times. While earlier parents wanted to decorate their little one’s room with gender-specific designs, it is now being seen that most parents are opting not to know the gender of their baby before it is born.
And some parents just want the baby room to match with the rest of their modern home. This is where some modern ideas come in handy.
Ideas for a Modern Baby Room
Decorating a baby’s room is as time-consuming as any other room of the house. More so because this room is going to be your baby’s home until he grows up and is ready to stand on his two feet (literally and metaphorically). Hence, it makes sense to go for something modern.
One purpose the ideas given here serve is that they are fairly neutral, so you don’t have to fret about whether or not the room is color co-ordinated. Secondly, since it is a modern design, it will not have too much furniture in it. Space and compactness is the key to a modern room design.
Hence, the room can remain as it is until the baby grows up into a teenager and maybe even after that. If not that long, it is definitely going to be much easier to alter the design and décor than a traditional, gender-specific room.
Light and Dark
You can call this a unique idea that has a modern touch to it, but does not take away the essence of being a baby’s room from it. For this idea, what you can do is pick two colors to have the room painted in.
Combinations like pink and white, blue and white, dark brown and beige, pink and red, blue and white, lime yellow and green, light green and deep brown, etc., are some options that you can explore. One color must be dark and the other light.
Paint three walls using the light color and the fourth wall in the dark color. Get a crib in a neutral color and other accessories like a cabinet and other such things can be color co-ordinated with the same light and dark theme.
Checkered Room
Having a checkered theme for a room is also a good idea. The only thing you have to be careful with for this idea is choosing the colors. It is a very simple idea which involves painting the room in one color and having it checkered with a different color, preferably both in light, neutral shades.
You can also get light checkered wallpaper and have it stuck on the walls. The cupboards, crib, and other things to be kept in the room will look better in single colors matching the color of the checks. This room can be used for many years without worrying about it looking too childish.
Bubble Prints
Simple idea to decorate your baby’s room is using a bubble theme. Paint the walls in a very light pastel shade and on that, paint big bubbles in slightly darker shades of the same pastel color. Have these painted on all the walls.
Tree of Knowledge
This is a good idea that is modern, practical and knowledgeable at the same time. For this idea, paint the walls using a light color, preferably a light shade of green. Pick the spot where you’ll be placing the crib. On the wall adjacent to it, get a huge tree drawn with many branches on it. Adorn some branches with leaves and some branches with flowers.
In these flowers, write the letters of the alphabet. The rest of the furniture in the room can be in tones of dark brown and the same green of the walls. This way, the room looks nice, and as the baby grows, you can teach him the alphabet too.
These were just some ideas that you can try out. Your inputs and ideas on the same are more than welcome. So happy decorating and congratulations!