The various frame house plans are drawn up to ensure that once this work begins, it progresses quickly and the resources are easily accessible. Abiding by some related tips shared by the professionals gives the homeowner the opportunity to optimize material and time.
The most important tip to the modern homeowner is to be organized. It is essential to pre-plan the whole exercise and keep updated track of the transactions and trade involved in the framing requirement. This includes the correct assessment and the timely assimilation of the required material to complete the job at hand.
It is essential to strike an understanding with the local lumberyard owner or the in-house executives. This is with the intent to ensure that all the material required is delivered on time, including some of the extra trusses and window and door frame requirements. Mechanical requirements should also be taken care of simultaneously.
Apply for a gas meter if the work is extensive and also, plan out the desired alterations, especially if they are absolutely necessary for the framing solution. Pre-planning will always save you money, time, and effort later. Settle only for the best deal possible within your budget.
Consider the use of a crane to lift the trusses to the roof and to lift heavy items that need to be stacked within the home prior to the work. You should carefully plan the installation of large items like bathtubs and heating system before the plumbing as the work only becomes messier and damaging to the property if not in sequence.
It makes sense to put the cabinets to be installed and mark the heating and plumbing jobs beforehand. Before electrical and plumbing undertakings, double check for squeaking pipes and fittings. Do not rewire telephone cables if there is a shift in placement. Abide by telecommunication rules and call telephone and cable company experts to install the wires.
You should tie up with window and door suppliers to ensure that these essentials are delivered as soon as the professional framers complete the roof. This will enable timely and systematic execution and installation of the doors and windows and completion of all the framing at one time.
Double check the price quoted for the window and door fixtures. It should include the cost of the screen and the security locks. You must be well-versed with the professionals and authorities, designated to look into the house framing components.
While plumbing and heating jobs will be inspected by City Hall authorities, provisional inspector will see that the electrical system adheres to the set standards, and the building inspector is in charge of inspecting the work and reporting discrepancies, if any. The inspections are made with the sole intention of ensuring that the home is safe for living.
Two basic methods are platform method, balloon construction. Platform method is common, balloon framing was so in early half of 20th century, used in grand two-story houses. In both, wall studs, ceiling, floor joists are repeated every 16 or 24 inches frame.
This feature allows a standard layout to optimize floor, ceiling, wall material being used and removes waste. The spacing of wall studs makes exterior walls stronger, enabling the electrician to get a large cavity for thorough wall insulation. The exterior wall sheathing adds strength to overall structure and a flat base for a great exterior-wall finish.
Sheathing options are available in diagonal plywood or composite panel sheathing. Exterior roof sheathing is made of plywood or oriented-strand board panels. In platform construction, walls are set on sub-flooring and for multistory houses, each floor gives a platform for next series of walls.
In the balloon method, the studs are the basic frame holders and hence, the structures that adopt this type of technique shrink and settle more uniformly.