The Internet has made everything possible. It is even loaded with software that can help you virtually visualize your garage that you wish to reorganize, redesign, and reconstruct, before you actually start doing it. This DecorDezine article provides you with a list of such competent software.
Coming up with a garage plan is a solution to three things: formulating layouts, selecting the material, and deciding the cost to build your garage.
Garage designing or remodeling is a task that is often pushed down the to-do list by many. Most people are hesitant to pay a hefty interior designer’s fee for this job; hence, they attempt to do it on their own. However, doing it by yourself is tedious and requires a lot of technical knowledge, designing expertise, accurate planning, and perfect estimating skills. Without requisite skill and expertise, you may end up with less than perfect results. An alternate, almost perfect, and free (most of the time), solution is to make use of a garage design software. It allows you to implement your own design ideas, without paying a dime to interior designers. Let us learn more about this tool.
A garage is no longer just a place to park your car for the night. For some, it is a place to hold band practice sessions, for others it might be a place to just be by themselves, some might use it as their workshop and others might just convert it into an extra bedroom. Remodeling is tough and it requires expertise and special skills. If you do not wish to hire special carpenters and designers and do it on your own, garage designing software are something that will make the job easier for you.
What Does a Garage Designing Software Do?
- It comes equipped with an array of functions that can be easily accessed through a user-friendly interface.
- It allows you to modify the size of your garage, while repositioning the doors, windows, storage cupboards, and other furniture.
- Besides, you can choose from an array of roofing and flooring options. It also allows you to manipulate finer design aspects such as stud size, stud spacing, etc.
- You can choose to work with a simple four-walled feature or you may move to the more advanced custom-built garage feature.
- Besides design and planning, the software also allows you to get an estimate on materials. The approximate quantity of materials is also selected by the software according to the size of your garage. This feature particularly helps you order the correct quantity of materials. The final cost is also calculated by the software.
- The best thing about them is that you don’t have to be an engineer or a technical expert to understand their basics or to learn how to use the tools. Their user interfaces are self-explanatory, which makes them pretty easy to use. You can select from a variety of software that are available online, some for free, and some for a minimal amount.
Five Garage Design Software
DIY Garage Designer
Before you start, the most important thing you need to know about this software is that, it cannot be used on any other browser except Internet Explorer. Available for free, you can download it off the official website and start using it immediately. Some of its most amazing features let you employ multiple construction methods based on your choices and building preferences, analyze the designs in multiple views and 3D rotations, choose a design based on your budget, and also let you specify the materials that you would like to use in your design.
CAD QUEST Garage Professional
This software is most useful for them who plan to design their garage starting from the base and graduating through the walls to the roof. It allows you to work on all the possible elements that go into building a garage from scratch or remodeling it. These include doors, windows, roofs, walls, railings, flooring, etc. Once you give your designs, ideas, and inputs, and measurements of the area to be done, this software provides you with a list of all the materials that you would require to get the job done and also their rough estimate. The software is available for free and can be downloaded from the web.
Google SketchUp
This software is used to design homes, apartments, stand-alone rooms, garages, landscapes, etc., but is not specific to designing garages. After you are done sketching a basic design for your garage, you are required to add various design elements like flooring, doors, windows, storage cupboards, etc., to it from Google 3D Warehouse. It is a free program available on the Internet and is easy to understand, so even if you are a beginner, you don’t have to worry much about being able to use it.
SketchUp Pro
This software makes the activity of designing a garage online fun and interactive by introducing a digital instructor, context-based tips that help you enhance your design, and external online resources that can be used for additional reference. The one thing that can hold you back from using this software is its price tag. If you do think of buying the software and want to be extremely sure of your investment, you may first sign up for a free trial session. But, with the endless number of features it provides, it should totally be worth the price you pay for it.
For those who want to go pro and wish to take up a full-fledged business in designing or remodeling garages, this is the software you should be looking at. Although it is fairly new, it comes equipped with thorough and extensive programs that help you cater to all your designing needs. It not just tells you the materials that you would need to come up with your dream garage design, but also gives you detailed information about things like how much earth will need to be excavated and the like! It sure does come at a price, but they give you the option of paying the full price in monthly installments.
The step-by-step instruction set for designing and implementing your ideas that comes along with these software makes them a huge favorite among them who take up remodeling their home by themselves. Thus, this can be a useful product if you have any plans for your garage in the near future. Alternatively, you may also subscribe to short-term memberships offered by some websites dealing in this business.