Bedroom is like the vantage point of any house. A beautifully decorated and well kept room is like a beauty spot of a house. Check out this DecorDezine article to get a low down on making your personal space comfortable and stylish.
Bored of the same old look of your bedroom? Do you think that it has become too cluttered and it doesn’t seem to reflect the person you are? Then, perhaps it’s time for you to give a serious thought to give your room a complete makeover. This place should be a haven of relaxation and serenity, at least for you. It should have a design and decor which will instantly make you comfortable, after a long, tiring day at work. Well, here are some nice and easy ideas for decorating the bedroom that you always wanted.
Bedroom Decorating Ideas
Fiddle with Furniture: One of the easiest ideas is to move the furniture. Move the position of your bed and preferably, don’t place it against a wall. Place it against the corner. Just shuffle the furniture and you will be amazed to realize how spacious your room could look and become! This does not cost you anything!
Color et’ all: Another great idea is to change the look of the most noticeable thing in a room- the walls. Change the color of the bedroom walls. Give a jazzy color to your walls. These days you get a lot of innovative options when it comes to paints. These paints when applied give a floral or linear touch to the walls. Better still, use nice wallpaper.
Tuck ’em up: If the walls of your bedroom are empty, adorn them with Van Gogh paintings. Oops, I know that’s a bit too much to ask unless, you are Bill Gates or the likes! But you can surely decorate your empty walls with general paintings, photographs or any other art work which can be put up on walls. This will give your room a refreshing look. This is another cost-effective decorating idea, if you are probably on a shoestring budget, this is a great option.
Environmentally Yours: Deck up your room with houseplants. If you think you can’t take proper care of the plants, then get a hold of a pretty vase. Get some flowers- plastic or real. See what suits you. If you keep the house plants, it will help keep the air around fresh. So that would be a better choice than keeping the flowers as the real flowers will wilt and they will have to be replaced every now and then.
Light it up: Install wall sconces of your choice to give either a contemporary, rustic, colonial or a Victorian feel. There are really pretty ones available with intricate designs nowadays. Set up a wall sconce near your bed or your writing desk or your vanity corner. It will be a lovely idea to have wall sconce directly over your dressing table which will throw a faint light on your face. Seems nice isn’t it?
These were some basic ideas. Of course these have to be modified depending upon who is going to use the bedroom- a teenager or a professional or an adolescent or may be a married couple.
Apart from this, if you are willing to spend some extra bucks, you can even zero in on a theme and use various embellishments for coming up with an interesting make over of your bedroom. Diverse themes like sports, romantic, Gothic, rustic, can infuse a fresh breath of air into your space. Likewise, if there are going to be children in the room, a jungle theme can be applied for decoration.
Go ahead, decorate your bedroom and make it the best room of your house! Happy decorating!