Often, you may have thought of converting a small room in your house into a bathroom, or part of the room into a bathroom, or adding an entire bathroom, building it up from scratch. Here, we shall try to estimate the total cost required for the same.
Many of you might have often wondered, what is the cost of adding a bathroom? The following paragraphs elaborate the different items and their corresponding cost ranges. It must be noted that, the prices differ from place to place and also from time to time. In addition, there might also be a genuine difference between charges that are levied by contractors, who do the actual work. On the whole, the price ranges that have been mentioned below are more generic and might change from time to time.
How much does it cost?
The average cost for this task will be somewhere around $15,000. However, it depends on the quality of material used, and also the importance you give to luxury. The following are the different costs, that you will need to consider before building a bathroom.
You will need a drywall to separate the proposed bathroom from the rest of the house. A single sheet of drywall measuring about one square feet will cost you about $10. If you plan to go in for more costlier and sturdier versions, the per sheet cost will increase. In addition, there are several other expenses such as drywall holdings, drywall fixtures, and anchoring that have to be taken care of. A real brick wall will be a bit more expensive than the drywall, but if you look at the positive side, it is durable and immune from breakage.
Bathroom Tiles
The genuine chunk of your budget will be consumed by the tiles. The cost of tiling depends on two factors, namely, the nature of tiles used and the surface area of the bathroom that is to be covered in tiles. Some decent tiles will cost about $20 per unit. If you choose some high-end, costly designer types, the per unit cost is likely to go as high as $100. Also, there are some different ideas that can be used instead of tiles, such as a waterproof synthetic cover. Its advantage is that, it is relatively inexpensive and can be used easily instead of tiles, especially, if you don’t want your budget to run out of hand.
Shower Pan
A shower pan is another important necessity that you will need to consider while building the bath room. On an average, a shower pan of decent quality will range from $100 to $300, with a high-end model costing about $500.
One must also never forget the toilet, which will range from about $200 to $500. You will also have to consider some additional expenditures such as flush dispensing tanks and piping for it. The outlet of the toilet that would lead to the sewer, will probably cost more, and will amount to about $700 to $1,000.
If you are planning upon installing a bathtub, then you will have to invest another $500 to $700. In addition, water piping and dispensing of water is another concern. The same is also applicable for piping for the water supply. On the whole, the cost for the bathtub will amount to about $1,000.