The Chinese philosophy of feng shui is said to influence the energies surrounding us, and these energies affect our health and destiny. Adopting certain feng shui principles can also influence the space in which we live. DecorDezine briefs you on the best feng shui colors for your front door.
Feng Shui is not an answer to all your problems
According to the Chinese metaphysics, of the three factors Heaven, Earth, and Man, Feng Shui pertains to the Earth faction, because we are affected by our surroundings. Similarly, the heavenly faction is believed to influence destiny, which depends on when we were born, the details of which are covered by astrology.
Feng shui also conveys the same and actually wants an avid follower. Imagine this, you visit a friend’s or relative’s house and the moment you step in what do you see: a garbage can right next to the door, clothes littered all around the room, and the entire house is crammed with things. Your reaction would be to run away from that place and never ever return. Feng shui’s ground rule to attract positive energy is that the front door should be uncluttered and tidy.
Feng shui states that, in any house, chi is a positive energy that flows through the front door. A strong, sturdy door brings in this energy to all the members residing in the house. Colors play a vital role and affect our moods and energy. It is claimed that an aura is created around a person by these colors which depict one’s mood. An immaculately colored door in a house guarantees a strong family life, invites wealth and prosperity, and is a means of edification. We obviously want this to be a part and parcel of our daily lives. Here are some wide variety of door colors that you can pick from for your house.
Selecting an auspicious color depends on many factors, but the most important factor is the direction of the front door and its feng shui element. If you already know which direction your front door is facing, well and good, if not, a compass could come in handy. Here’s the feng shui color list for front doors facing any of the 8 directions.
Black Door
Blue Door
Brown Door
Yellow Door
Green Door
Orange Door
White Door
1. East-facing Door
- Compass reading: 67.5 to 112.5 °E.
- Feng shui element: Wood
- Feng shui colors related to East: Green and Brown. They represent growth, health, wealth, and, happy family relationships.
- Optional colors if not available: Water color elements―Blue and Black. And earth element color―Yellow.
- Feng shui element support: Earth feng shui element, nourished and nurtured by water feng shui element.
- Colors to avoid: Red, Purple, Gray, White. They represent fire and metal, which is destructive to wood.
2. West-facing Door
- Compass reading: 247.5 to 292.5 °W.
- Feng shui element: Metal
- Feng shui colors related to East: White, Silver, Brass and Copper. They represent fertility, creativity, and talent.
- Optional colors if not available: Earth elements colors―Yellow, all earthy or sandy colors.
- Colors to avoid: Black, Purple, Orange, Red.
3. North-facing Door
- Compass reading: 337.5 to 22.5 °N.
- Feng shui element: Water
- Feng shui colors related to North: Blue and Black. They represent career, wealth, and success. Blue represents career growth.
- Optional colors if not available: Metal elements colors―White and Gray.
- Colors to avoid: All shades of Green, Brown, Yellow, Red, Deep Pink, Orange, and, Purple.
4. South-facing Door
- Compass reading: 157.5 to 202.5°S.
- Feng shui element: Fire
- Feng shui colors related to South: Red (personal favorite), Purple, Deep Pink, Strong Yellow, and Deep Orange. They represent relationships (internal and external, both), fame, and reputation.
- Optional colors if not available: Wood element colors―Brown and Yellow.
- Colors to avoid: All shades of Blue, Black, and Earthly colors.
5. Northeast-facing Door
- Compass reading: 22.5 to 67.5°NE.
- Feng shui element: Earth
- Feng shui colors related to Northeast: Combination of earthly colors―Yellow and all sandy colors with red feng shui element colors―Red, Purple, Orange, etc. They represent personal growth, spirituality, and education. It focuses more on one’s spirituality and inner peace.
- Optional colors if not available: None.
- Colors to avoid: Green, Brown, White, Blue and Black.
6. Southeast-facing Door
- Compass reading: 112.5 to 157.5°SE.
- Feng shui element: Wood
- Feng shui colors related to Southeast: Green and Brown, and if you are creative, you could use both colors. They represent growth, abundance, and wealth. Growth in all the aspects―career, marriage, children, finances, etc.
- Optional colors if not available: Water and earth element colors.
- Colors to avoid: Red, White and Gray.
7. Northwest-facing Door
- Compass reading: 292.5 to 337.5°NW.
- Feng shui element: Metal
- Feng shui colors related to Northwest: Shades of White and Gray. You can pair it up with earth sign color―light yellow and sandy tones. They represent mental power, empowerment, helpful people and blessings.
- Optional colors if not available: None.
- Colors to avoid: Blue, Black and Orange.
8. Southwest-facing Door
- Compass reading: 202.5 to 247.5°SW.
- Feng shui element: Earth
- Feng shui colors related to Southwest: Light yellow color and all earthly and sandy tones. They represent marriage and relationships. It focuses more on your interaction with your spouse or any family member.
- Optional colors if not available: Can be paired with fire element colors which are Red, Orange, Pink, etc.
- Colors to avoid: Green, Brown, Black, and, White.
Extra tips:
- Always keep the pathway to your front door clean and neat to attract positive energy.
- Decorate your door with different types of knobs or handles.
- Make sure that any plants near your exterior door do not have pointed or sharp leaves, which refrains positive energy from entering in.
- It is advisable to keep a statue near the door, maybe a character, who will protect your house― an Angel or a Buddha.
- Wind chimes look pretty and can be hung right outside your door.
“Let everyone sweep in front of his own door, and the whole world will be clean.” ―Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The front door should reflect positivity and attract positive energy in your house. As the front door is considered the mouth, it receives nourishment. A house with good nourishment will do wonders for you and your family members. So go ahead and feng shui your front door.