A fireplace enhances the beauty of a living room and also helps to keep the place warm and cozy. Now, conventional fireplaces can be messy and pollute the air too. A cleaner and greener solution is using propane as fuel for a fireplace. The concept of propane fireplace and their working mechanism has been discussed in the following paragraphs.
Having a really good fireplace is extremely essential, especially if you live in a region that is dominated by cold climate and harsh weather. In the recent past, a wide range of fireplace designs and energy-efficient technologies have been introduced in the market.
Propane-fueled Fireplace
Energy efficiency is the need of the day and there are several technologies that are being introduced into the market, and is used not just to improve the consumption of the energy but are also used to curb the exhaust levels and other domestic emissions. Conventional fireplaces, that are widely used in the United States, are major contributors to resource consumption and energy crisis and also the exhaust levels that are let out. Raw fuel and wood, after all, are not best fuels when it comes to emissions.
If we take a look at the market and common trends, then, two excellent alternatives to conventional fireplaces are electric fireplaces and gas fireplaces. This fireplace is a type of gas fireplace, where propane gas is combusted to generate heat. The reason this fireplace is very effective is because it is very compact. It generates a greater volume of energy as compared to wood fireplaces and lastly, most important of all, it gives out just water vapor and carbon dioxide as a byproduct, when combusted, making it the best fuel for fireplaces.
The construction of propane-fired fireplaces is very simple, owing to the fact that the combustion produces only two byproducts namely, carbon dioxide and water vapor. This fireplace is made up of a small compact chamber, where the actual fuel is burnt. The upper vent is made up of two pipes, one for carrying out the small volumes of exhaust and the other one for taking in fresh air.
Propane Fireplace Designs
There are several sub-designs and re-engineered techniques that are commonly used in fireplaces. Propane inserts with blower is a very compact fireplace that has a dual pipe system, in addition to a blower at the end of the pipeline that controls the air and exhaust flow within the fireplace. There are normal fireplaces which can be fitted with the propane flame mechanism.
The ventilation pipe actually acts as a safety measure in the propane lit fireplace, as is essential to control the level of carbon dioxide that gets generated in the combustion process. It is however inadvisable to make a ventless fireplace, as the vent tends to act as a safety measure.
There are also some outdoor propane fireplaces, that can be installed on patios or decks. Some fireplaces are mobile and have tow-able wheels attached. Such fireplaces are often have incorporated at barbecues. The only caution that one needs to take is, such fireplaces should never be used indoors as there is no mechanism or measure to control the carbon dioxide and hot water vapor levels. Outdoor propane fire pit is something which is quite similar, but has a slightly different construction.
Repairs of these fireplace are fairly simple, and it is also very easy to change the parts on your own. However, if faced with a problem about the burner, or the propane supply cylinders, it is recommended that you call for expert help. A propane-fueled fireplace has two prominent drawbacks; one, its cost is always above $1000, and two, the prices of propane gas are set to rise in the coming years, with the Feb 2011 price being $2.83 per gallon.