If you need an estimate of the total cost to build a garage, this article will definitely be helpful. Read to get a rough idea about the cost involved.
A garage is a necessity of every car owner, who wants security and maintenance space, for his car. A garage space can also double up as a workshop for other odd jobs. If you are planning to build a garage, you need an estimate of how much it will cost you to build one.
Building any structure requires planning, design and most importantly, an idea, about what exactly do we want from that space. A clear idea of what we want, makes our design work, as well as cost estimation easier. That’s why it’s important that you have an idea of what your requirements for a garage are. In this DecorDezine article, we will firstly analyze the factors that need to be taken into consideration while building a garage. After that, we will see what is the garage building cost, when building it yourself or employing a contractor.
Factors Affecting Garage Building Cost
Here I recount the factors that need to be taken into consideration while designing a garage and how they affect the overall cost. Following are the points that should be considered.
First thing is getting a building permit from the local authorities, before you go ahead with the construction. Next thing is planning and brainstorming about a design for your garage. The main point here includes your desire to have it attached to your house or have it built separately. Secondly, decide about how much space you need (which can be decided by the number of cars you own or plan to own). The electrical designing, ventilation, plumbing and other factors come next on the design board. You could hire a professional architect for the designing or you could design on your own. A detached garage will cost more than an attached one. So opting for the latter is a cost cutting option.
The materials used in building concrete slabs, walls, garage flooring, ventilation, electrification, roofing, windows and the garage door will be a part of the total cost. The quality of the materials used and the space of the garage, will be the main factors to consider.
How Much Does it Cost?
The cost to build a garage per square foot that I mention here, is based on market research. The standard cost to build an attached garage, charged by contractors, is about $35 to $45 per square foot. The cost to build an independent detached garage would be around $70 to $90 per square foot. Considering the minimum amount of garage space required by any car, which is 240 square feet, the cost to build an attached garage can be $8,400 to about $10,800. In case you plan to build an attached garage that has sufficient space to park two cars simultaneously, the space required is about 380 square feet. To build such a garage, the cost would be around $13,300 to $17,100.
If you are planning to build a comparatively lavish garage, which will have adequate space for parking two cars, as well as enough service area around them, good lighting, ventilation and even storage space, then the price will go higher. The cost will run into 30,000 to $40,000. If you use top quality materials for building, then the total building cost per square foot, charged by the contractor could get hiked from $35 to about $55 per square foot. Do-it-yourself kits for garage construction are available, that use prefabricated materials. They cost anything from around $5,000 to over $13,000. It is better to go for garage designs created by an architect and build with the help of a professional contractor. It may cost more, but it will lead to lesser problems in the future. Obviously, actual costs will differ according to the type of furnishing and other specifications. The numbers you find in here are average costs.
To conclude, an attached garage for a single car, with standard fittings will cost about $7000 to $8000, while a garage with double car parking capacity will cost around $26,000 to $28,000. On the other hand, a detached garage with space for parking two cars may cost anywhere between $57,000 to $60,000. Local costs will vary slightly above or below these average values. Make sure that you make optimum use of space while designing the garage. The estimated cost will help you in deciding which contractor is demanding a fair price for the job.